Living The Word

Be united with God and your neighbor. Connect your soul to God. Salvation is coming to you. Multiply your goodness.

Grow in your holiness, and cleanse your heart. If needed, go to confession.

Charity and Goodness are the marks of Jesus Christ.

#ComeAndSee #FollowMe

Jesus explains, “I will make you fishers of men.” This is one of the best one-liners in Scripture. Notice the first part of the phrase: “I will make you . . .” This is counter to the culture’s prevailing view that we’re self-made, that we invent and define our own reality. Jesus puts this lie to bed. We learn from him that it’s God who acts, and if we give ourselves to his creative power, he will make us into something far better than we ever could.

#ComeAndSee #FollowMe

“Jesus spoke to them again, saying, 'I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.'” John 8:12

#ComeAndSee #FollowMe

The second coming of Jesus will be like the flood. We must be ready. We do not know the day or the hour. Being ready means being in a friendship with God. 

#ComeAndSee #FollowMe

What I say to you in the darkness speak in the light, says the Lord, what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops. Mt 10:27

#ComeAndSee #FollowMe

God calls us to be His children. Repent and change the way you live. What would life be without Jesus?

#ComeAndSee #FollowMe

The Church is limited in how the Word can be delivered, minutes, not hours. The world supports a life without religion. Live your faith, don't hide.

#ComeAndSee #FollowMe

How and for what purpose do we live every day.

Three Things

  • Precious in the eyes of God
  • Healing
  • Hope

Turn away from negativity, and improve relations with those around us.  BRING PEACE.

#ComeAndSee #FollowMe

Live your life in anticipation of the second coming.

#ComeAndSee #FollowMe