Living The Word

The deeds you do may be the only sermon some people will hear today.

St. Francis Of Assisi

There are moments we want to hold onto, but, we need to move on. We have memories to remind us; to remind us that life is good.

It is easy to see someone else’s faults, and not ours. Take the beam out of your own eye.

A leader can lead only if they can see the way themselves.

True Religion = Make Oneself Better

God has already given us everything. And, we still want more.

You See What You Want To See. True Wisdom, And Those That Think They Have Wisdom.

The More You Invite God Into Your Life, The Better Your Life Will Be.

The way you treat others is the way you can expect God to treat you.

Justice, without mercy, is cruel.

Reading From Today – 2/20/2022

I attend Church every Sunday and attended Daily Mass nearly every day for a year. The personal growth I’ve achieved in doing so has been remarkable.

One thing that I do is write down the value in the word, or what I’ve learned from the day’s Gospel reading.

I’ve accumulated quite a few quotes that have really made me think and also helped me better understand the Value in The Word.

Today, and going forward, I am going to start sharing my takeaway, if you will, from the readings.

The majority of these will be from the homily that had been delivered by the Priest that day. Some will be a quote from the Gospel or the reading of the day.

Hope you enjoy them and learn from them as much as I have.